Ten things playing D&D taught me about writing Fantasy Fight Scenes

Ten things playing D&D taught me about writing Fantasy Fight Scenes Growing up I loved Dungeons and Dragons. I played it with friends, and with my little brother and his friends. After I married I found RPG video games and between the two my life has been filled with fantasy and adventure. What I never […]

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly, It’s Contest Season – Writers Wednesday

Welcome back to Writers Wednesday! You know I started out not caring for blogging but over the last few months as I have started publishing the Writers Wednesday posts, I’ve really found that I enjoy talking about writing a bit. So I hope you are getting something out of my posts as much as I […]

5 Things to do Before Your Book Publishes! – Writers Wednesday

5 Things to do Before Your Book Publishes! Welcome to the Fourth part of my series on Self publishing.If you missed the first blog post in this series you can find it HERE, The Second is HERE, The Third is HERE. So we discussed a few things to look out for when self publishing. And five things […]