Romance Writers Weekly Presents: The Hobbit Fan Fiction

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FanFiction is getting a lot of attention these days. Certain books have opened up the “pull to publish” flood gates, as it were. Whether people like it or not.

Definition of FAN FICTION :  stories involving popular fictional characters that are written by fans and often posted on the Internet —called also fanfic, \-ˈfik\

I can honestly say I am not a huge fan of fan fiction. I am a fan of getting your own ideas from things that are already written. But I’m not a fan of using someone else’s characters to write your own story. Especially since you aren’t the creator and do not fully know the character.I feel much the same way about playing D&D. I don’t like already generated characters. I like to generate my own. I might take a piece of this character and a pinch of that character and a dash of a third character, but I won’t ever be truly satisfied playing a character someone else rolled up for me.

I’ve seen a lot of fan fiction on Wattpad. Some good, some bad. Personally I think if you love someone else’s characters and then you change them and make them different, yet with similar attributes and then you make them your own, it is better than to use already made characters.

However, if I was going to write fan fiction, (I’m not BTW) but if I was, I guess the fandom I would choose would be Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit maybe. The movie not the books. It would be called, “The Forbidden Matter of Elves and Dwarves” and it would be about Tauriel and Kili from The Hobbit movies.

So here is my shot at trying to write Tolkien Romance.

The Forbidden Matter of Elves and Dwarves

Tauriel slipped between the stones and squeezed into the dark underground hallway. The scent of gypsum and water wrinkled her nose. She missed the fresh breeze of her forest every time she snuck into the dwarven stronghold, but there was no other choice. Her heart refused to keep away.

She tiptoed down the short passage, bowing her head to keep it from scraping the ceiling. Pressed into the shadows she eased down the sloping ground deeper into the mountain. She gripped tight to the small rock in her pocket, the token of her love’s affection that spurred her onward. She had to move deeper into the cavern than before. Now as brother to the new king, his dwelling had been moved into the more private area of the mountain.

The sounds of booted feet marched toward her from an adjoining hallway.

Alona,” she whispered. Her formed shimmered and then faded becoming like the gray rock that ground into her spine.

A brigade of dwarven guards stomped past her. The scent of oil and steel permeated them. Their heavy armor clinked as they marched by. She waited till their footsteps faded before she blew out a harsh breath and burst from her hiding place. Sprinting down corridor after corridor she headed for the one place she’d either be safe, or that would prove her demise.

She stopped as she came to the large courtyard on the lower level. The dwelling level. The center was a giant open space filled with tables and fireplaces with a large gold throne at one end. Her gut clenched looking down at the throng of dwarves crowding the tables. Vili sat on the throne looking happy yet uncomfortable in his newly found position as King Under the Mountain.

Brightly colored jewels sparkled all around. From the throne, to the chalices, to the mural of Smaug carved into the wall. Enormous portraits of now dead kings loomed above the room, judging those beneath them. Dwarves milled about, eating, drinking and gaming. The stench of cooked meat and smoking tobacco permeated every pore and surface.

She was two stories up. If she was spotted it would take them a minute to get to where she was, but escape would be tenuous at best. She didn’t care. It was worth the risk. Just as it had been the last time and the time before and the time before.

She pulled up the hood of her cloak and walked down the open balcony slow and deliberate, the way a dwarf moved. The hallway narrowed and branched off. She peeked around the corner. A set of guards stood at the end of the hallway. She stepped back and took a deep breath and began to chant.

Within seconds the sound of feet shuffled a different direction. She looked around the corner to find the the guards gone. She continued down the hall counting the wooden doors as she passed. Her heart thundered faster with each step she took. The guards wouldn’t be confused for long. Five, six, seven– She stopped at the eighth door and knocked lightly. Solid footsteps shuffled to the door and then opened it.

Her heart skipped as she saw him standing there. Deep set eyes like oak, long dark hair like mountain ash. A youthful handsome face with finely chiseled features.

“Tauriel.” He grabbed her quickly with a strong wide hand and dragged her inside. Slamming the door he bolted it. “What are you doing here? It’s too dangerous.”

“No more dangerous than the times you come to see me in my woods.” In fact him coming to her woods was actually more dangerous as her kin were always on the alert for intruders.

She’d barely removed her hood before he pulled her lips down to meet his. His short whiskers tickled her face as his musky, earthy scent filled her with longing. His tongue caressed hers making her body warm and melt into his. Oh how she missed him when she had to go away. How she wished there were some place, any place they could be together without having to sneak about like common rogues.

He broke the kiss. “Lords how I’ve missed your face.”

She stroked his rough cheek. “As I you my love.”

He undid the clasp on her cloak, dropping it to his bearskin covered floor. His hands slid around her waist to her back and he pulled her closer still, kissing his way up her collarbone to her neck. The warmth of his skin staved off the chill that the surrounding stone shot through her. Though his rooms were grand and opulent, they, like everything else under the mountain, seemed to want to swallow her down and drown her underneath them.

Her knees buckled from Kili’s touch. He knelt in front of her and unstrapped her bow and quiver, setting them aside.

“Kili, we can’t. You are brother to the king. You may be king yourself someday. You can’t make love to me and then be king. Your kin won’t allow it.”

He kissed her so deeply that she lost herself in him. His smell, his taste, his touch. The very things she’d been raised to loathe, all sent her spiraling into a pit of desire.

He broke the kiss and pressed his forehead to hers. “I don’t want anything if it means I can’t have you at the same time. You are my life, my blood, my breath.”

She shook her head. They needed to be sensible. “You say that now but­–”

“But nothing.” He cupped her cheeks with his palms and stared into her eyes with an intensity she’d not seen in him before. “We’ve been doing this for two years. I haven’t seen you in months. I don’t want to wait any longer.”

All thoughts of her kin, his kin, what would happen, what it would mean, fled from her mind as she reached for the buckle that held up his breeches. She couldn’t wait any longer either. She needed to feel his skin on her skin.

His hands ran under her silk jerkin, making her tingle. She lifted off his shirt and her eyes settled on the orc blade wound that she’d healed him of, back in Lake Town. The jagged skin puckered against the taut muscles of his shoulder. She ran her palm over it making his muscles twitch. Then she traced her fingers through his dark chest hair and down his finely cut stomach muscles to the slender ‘V’ of his hips.

He moaned. “How much time do you have?”

Her core thrummed with need and her heart faltered. “Never enough. But always eternity.”


Photo Courtesy of ©EmilyEretica

All Righty! There it is! My first scene of a Fan Fiction piece if I was going to do Tauriel and Kili from Lord of the Rings. What do you think? I know it’s rough. It’s just a first draft after all, but I don’t know… writing this might just have turned me a little toward the thrill of fan fic. I could see adding more to this story. Could you?

Head on over to Sarah Hegger’s website to see what Sarah thinks about fan fiction and what her fan fiction is about!

Sarah Hegger

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