Wands, Fangs and Wings Blog Tour Day Three

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Welcome to DAY THREE of A Week of Wands, Fangs and Wings - A Paranormal Book Blog Tour!

From August 15-22, we will feature books by EIGHT different authors. What kind of books? Paranormal! What do we mean by paranormal? Well, just as the title implies: wands, fangs, wings and everything in between. Pretty much, if it isn’t real, it might be here. If you enjoy reading all things paranormal, we are about to hand you heaven on a gilded plate. Or, at least, on your e-reader.

What do we have in store for you? Excerpts from cool books. A fun Q&A session with the even-cooler authors who wrote them. A rafflecopter contest in which you could win a total of ELEVEN e-books. Wait, let’s note that again, just for clarification.

Eleven. Books. Free.

Score! The winner will be announced Friday at XXXX, so don’t forget to enter. As if you would. In the meantime, let’s learn about Eva Lefoy, who penned the spicy book, Darkest Magic, Beyond Fairytales. Eva writes and reads all kinds of romance, and is a certified Trekkie. She’s also terribly addicted to chocolate, tea, and hiking.


We asked Eva a few questions, you know, just to get to know her. This is what she had to say:

1. Red or white? Wine? Depends on the season. White in summer, definitely merlot in the winter.

2. Sweet or spicy? Yes. For sweet I like dark chocolate, the darker the better. For spicy, I definitely like hotness in my books!

3. Furbabies? Yes. How many? Just one at the moment, a crazy cat named Tiger.

4. Writing inspiration? Sometimes it’s movies, or a photo, or another book, or my imagination. It just depends on what strikes my fancy.

5. Beach, mountains, tundra, or…? I love the beach, but don’t live near the ocean. Wish I did! I have to say mountains. They were made for hiking!

6. Summer or winter? Neither. Fall is the best season!

What do you think of Eva so far? Think she has some pretty spicy, intriguing storylines up her sleeve? We do! Read on for a taste of Darkest Magic


“Nikko,” Eli soothed, using his favorite diminutive for him—a name he hated. “We need to talk, and I thought it best we do so out here.”

None of the other wolves sat. All remained at attention. The hairs on his neck didn’t just stand, they marched. Every nerve he possessed readied for a fight. His wolf clamored to get out. He kept his eyes low, his speech careful. “What’s up? Is the pack in trouble?”

“Trouble?” Eli threw his head backward and his massive chest out and laughed. “There’s no trouble. In fact everything’s perfect.” He motioned toward the smaller, red-coated wolf beside him. “Petrina’s pregnant.”

The only sound he heard was his own long inhale. None of the other wolves moved or twitched. Why was it a big secret? “Congratulations. I’m happy for you.”

Eli nodded and smiled as he closed the distance between them. “And it’s time for you to go.”

“Go? Go where?”

“You’re done, Nikko. I don’t need you anymore.”

He flinched at the hand clapped on his shoulder. Though they’d been close as brothers while the alpha’s first mate was alive, things had deteriorated steadily since her death. This was probably the first time he had simply touched him and not hit him in over two years. It struck him as weirdly unreal.

“You’re out of the pack. Get your things and go.”

His brain went into freefall. This makes no sense. “But…I’m your beta.”

Were. I don’t need a second anymore, Nikko. Petrina’s child will be my successor. He will rule by my side.”

A pack without a beta? Who had heard of such a thing? Or did Eli fear he’d one day try and take control, if things got bad enough with the Eli and Petrina circus? Oh hell, that’s it. He’s worried about maintaining his power. He knew in his heart the alpha was right. If he had the balls, he’d challenge the alpha and get it done and over with. An even more insane Eli was the biggest threat the pack faced. They’d unravel bit by bit from the inside, not be done in by an attack from a neighboring pack. Still, he found himself shaking his head, his loyalty as a beta too ingrained to simply let go, his allegiance to the pack too solid to let him up and walk away. Besides, he was a born follower, not a leader. He had no ambition to run the pack himself. Eli had to listen to reason. “He’s not even born yet. Without a full-grown second, the pack will be vulnerable, unstable. You need me—now more than ever.”

“Untrue. Petrina has assured me we will be safe, and these men have already sworn allegiance to my son. I’ve got it covered, bro.”

A slippery feeling crept up his spine as he risked a glance at her malachite wolf eyes. The change in their leader had started when he’d mated her two years ago, bringing her into the pack suddenly and unannounced. An outsider, no one knew of her or the pack she claimed to hail from. Though her unknown origins weren’t a serious problem, her demeanor had always made him wary. He trusted her about as much as a knife at his throat. But his allegiance continued unbroken, for better or for worse. “Look, if you want me to swear a pledge as well…?”

“Not necessary. You’re gone, Nikko. Time for you to get on your way.” The wolves padded forward silently to hover at the alpha’s side.

He wasn’t scared by the obvious act of showmanship. He’d faced off against most of these wolves before, knew their strengths and weaknesses. But the fact his own Alpha thought he needed them here caught his attention. Eli was the biggest wolf in the pack. He didn’t require the other wolves’ protection. Therefore, they were there to convince him to go peacefully. Why?

Nik sniffed the air and caught a hint of scent, one he’d kill to protect. Caroline. From the faraway quality of her smell, Caroline was currently at the compound. With her father acting strangely, was she safe there any longer? Worry skittered through him. If Eli was crazy enough to make his as-yet-unborn child beta, what would he do to his daughter by his former mate? He raised his eyes to his alpha, his protective instincts for Caroline surging to the surface so fast and hard he could barely contain them. He’d touched her, damn near held her in his arms and kissed her, a few hours ago. The memory burned through him with a new intensity that wrenched his heart.

Eli’s nostrils flared, his pupils glinting with the golden hue of his wolf’s rising ire. He wasn’t one to stand for even an iota of defiance.

He gritted his teeth and all but thrust the unspoken claim to her resting in his heart into the open. “What about Caroline?”

A flash of cold, dark ice went through Eli’s eyes and Nik’s concern for her welfare ratcheted to stark fear. He instantly knew her fate would be death. The alpha would kill his unborn son’s only rival to ensure his complete, everlasting rule. His stomach twisted into a knot as a strong hit of adrenaline flushed him hot.

“She won’t be needed either.”

Want more?

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Darkest-Magic-Beyond-Fairytales-Lefoy-ebook/dp/B00LZ83U3U/

Amazon UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Darkest-Magic-Beyond-Fairytales-Lefoy-ebook/dp/B00LZ83U3U/

Can’t get enough of Eva Lefoy? Find her at on Facebook: and Twitter @HYPERLINK “https://twitter.com/Eva_Lefoy”eva_lefoy

Or, ask her a question or two. She will be available XXXXXX. Go to her website, and post a comment. She’ll get right back to you!

And don’t forget to check back tomorrow, when we feature A.J. Naverre and Tami Lund!

PS – If you haven’t entered the rafflecopter contest, what are you waiting for? Eleven. Books. Free. Do it!



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