Romance Weekly Blog Chat

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Welcome to Romance Weekly Blog chat! I’m so excited to be a part of this great group of Romance Authors. They’ve been going for a while, but I’m finally getting around to jumping on to the weekly chats!  Every week we have a few questions about our writing process. I’ve been doing a whole bunch of these posts lately for my book tour for Dead Awakenings and I figured, since I now know most of the answers, it would be fun to join in.

So this is how it works!
Do you like to read romance novels? Wouldn’t you like to know more about your favorite authors? Well you came to the right place! Join the writers of Romance Weekly as we go behind the scenes of our books and tell all….. About our writing of course! Every week we’ll answer questions and after you’ve enjoyed the blog on this site we’ll direct you to another. So come back often for a thrilling ride! Tell your friends and feel free to ask us questions in the comment box.

Typically I don’t like questions about my writing because I never feel like I have anything eloquent or amazing to say. But lately I’ve found it rather fun. So here goes! These great questions come from author Meggan Connors:

Do you have a recurring theme in your work, either intentional or unintentional? What is it and why do you think you chose that particular theme?

Yes, I actually do. I try not to, but I’ve found that I like to write about people who has tortured pasts that when they finally come together are able to over come their issues to become stronger and learn to love. I think the reason I chose this particular theme is because this is how my life went. Before my husband I wasn’t the woman I am today. He and I both had stuff we had to overcome, but when we got together we were able to help each other learn to open up and love. I really believe in relationships like that. Where couples become complete after getting together and better for it.

Do you carefully plot your stories, or do you plot as you write? Why do you think this particular ethos works for you?

It depends on the work. I’ve done both. I prefer to not have to plot at all, but I have a couple of series and in an effort for the series to be interesting and cohesive I’ve had to at least plot out the major points so that certain elements make it into the books. My favorite way, and easiest way to write is not to plot. I find it very freeing. You can just follow your characters around and do whatever they want you to. I love that. I’m usually pleasantly surprised by my character’s actions 🙂 So I consider myself a Plotzer. Someone who plots the big points and then plot the rest.

Is there a particular genre (within romance) you could never write? Why?

There are actually several genres I can’t write in. I am not a criminal mastermind, as much as I wish I was, so I can’t write suspense. I also can’t write comedy. I’m not funny. I’m sarcastic, but not funny. So that is out. Erotica is also something I couldn’t write. Not because I don’t know how, trust me I do! But it just isn’t my style.

Wahoo! I got the first one done! Super excited! Now go ahead and follow this link to see the amazing Carolyn Spear

Then keep following the links till you visit all of us!


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