Top Ten Favorite TV Villains – Geeky Wednesday

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So, I’m a huge fan of geek TV. You know all the amazing and fun Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Paranormal TV shows right now. And one of my favorite things about them is the villains! Villains are my favorite to write. They can do all those things that we nice people want to do sometimes, but hold back from doing. So here are my top ten favorite villains right now!

10. American Horror Story – There have been some amazing and sicko villains on this show in the past seasons! From a man who chops up freaks to sell their bodies for money, to a sadistic doctor to someone who was actually a real person in history. And of all of them, I have to say Mary Laveau who is based on a real person, has to be the scariest of them all! Originally a slave owner in the south that woman did unspeakable things to her slaves in real life. And all those things are brought to light in the show. Kathy Bates portrayal of Mary Laveau is not only spot on, but most likely completely accurate. Down to the fact that if given the chance, I’m pretty sure she would do it all over again. Shudder.

9. William – Haven – William was a very different type of villain! He was funny and sweet and always smiling. What villain is like that? Oh yeah! Loki! I thought the character of William was very well written and played. He wasn’t at all what you would expect.

8. Lewis’s – Scandal – Olivia Pope is strong, passionate and independent. And that, I think, is mostly due to the fact that her parents are sociopaths. They are narcissistic murders who think their daughter should owe them everything. I hate her parents. But I have to say, this last season I was glad her parents were the way they were because Liv gets into some serious trouble.

7. Peter – Teen Wolf – Peter started out in a coma. You felt bad for him, trapped inside his own mind. But ever since he got out he’s done nothing but try to get back to being Alpha. And he doesn’t care who gets in his way. Just when you think he has turned over a new leaf and he is staying out of the picture, BAM! He’s right back in and trying to kill someone new!

6. Witches of East End – Penelope Gardiner – Now Mother In Laws get a bad wrap all the time, but this lady takes the cake! Stealing your children’s magical powers when they are born so you can exact revenge on the women you blame for killing your father who was pretty much evil incarnate? Uhm…yeah. She’s no mother of the year, that is for sure! She was the worst mother, society woman and in the end, person. And scary to boot with her society gowns and diamonds.

5. Pallid Man – 12 Monkeys – Okay this guy is just creepy! He was on Hell on Wheels as a drunk preacher and now on 12 Monkeys he is equally as creepy. Tall, skinny, pale, soft spoken and pale, he’s just about as creepy as the slendermen from Buffy in the episode called Hush. And they didn’t even talk! Gah! This guy is horrible. Killing and torturing people just to get a virus and unleash it to destroy the world. Yup. He’s pretty bad.

4. Klaus – The Vampire Diaries – Okay, I have to admit I think Klaus is sexy! That roguish smile, the slight lisp, the accent. Swoon! But in actuality, Klaus was a Bad Ass when he first came on the show! He was crazy and murderous and conniving and wonderful and we all wanted him dead. And when that happened we were all more than happy. And then he came back. There’s nothing like a good Vampire Villain. Especially when they are cute!

3. Jamie Lannister and Cersei Lannister- Game of Thrones – When I first started GoT I HATED Jamie Lannister! I couldn’t wait for him to get run through with a sword. And with Cersei that has never changed and never will! But as the seasons progressed and Jamie was injured you started to feel bad for him. And then you started to find out the truth of why he was the way he was and you felt worse for him. But the pivotal point was when he was traveling with Brienne of Tarth. He changed. He cared. He stood up for her and saved her. He was amazing!! And at that moment we no longer hated him so much. That is an amazing villain! Again I repeat we still hate Cersei and want her to die a thousand deaths.

2. Rachel – Orphan Black – Everyone looks down on corporate America. Fat companies lining their pockets with the hard earned dollars of American workers. And Rachel is no exception. No we don’t see the way worker struggle because of her. What we see is a control freak who will kill all of her biologically identical sisters in an effort to get what he wants. She will kidnap children, she will steal your ovaries, she will try to have you killed. Did I mention she steals ovaries and children? Yeah she needs to be punched in the face by Sarah a few more times.

1. Crowley – Supernatural – The King of Hell. That title alone should instill fear! But Crowley is snarky and funny and mean and helpful and annoying. I love Crowley! He is the best bad guy in Supernatural. The funniest thing about the actor that plays Crowley is that he’s super short and they try to hide it on the show. Why? Because he isn’t funny short or scary short, he’s that kind of short that makes you think, “Huh, he’s not so scary.” Especially when Moose and Squirrel and love six feet tall.

Now this list wouldn’t be complete without a shout out to one of my favorite villains of all time that unfortunately is no longer on the air.

Angelus from Buffy the Vampire Slayer- I love Buffy! And I love Angel, but when Angel turned into Angelus, I was totally torn. He was mean and ruthless but still felt something for Buffy. Those are the best kinds of villains.

So what do you think? Who is your favorite Villain?


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