Monster Monday! Angels or Demons?

1 minute, 48 seconds Read

Hey Everyone! My logo is Vampires & Werewolves & Zombies. And though I love all three of those creatures, there are so many other creatures that are overlooked and/or just starting to get the recognition that is due

This week I want to talk about two mortal enemies that are as old as time. Angels and Demons. It seems like Angels and Demons have been getting more attention lately. A number of big authors have new series about them. And TV is starting their new seasons right about now and my favorite show that has many different, angels and demons is: Supernatural.

Succubus, Incubus, Djinns, Vampires, Imps, Hellhounds, Leviathans, Windego, Crossroad demons. Even Satan himself. All of those have been seen in Supernatural. Some were funny, some were dumb, and some were down right scary. Hello? Did you see Dean getting tortured? That couldn’t be fun. But my favorite demon by far is Crowley, the King of Hell.

Crowley is the epitome of a demon. He is cocky, sarcastic, power hungry and super dangerous. But he’s also apt to change sides if the mood suits him. I love Crowley. I also liked when Sam went evil. That was a lot of fun. (We won’t talk about the other, current demon because, well, spoilers!)

Angels aren’t too different from Crowley in the Supernatural world. Out to do good. The guardians of mankind for God. They are all that is truth and light and wonderful in the universe. That is, unless you meet Naomi, and Gabriel. Those are angels I wouldn’t want watching over me.

Now Cas is a different story. Cas is an awesome angel. He’s jaded, a bad dresser and bends the rules for his favorite guys. He’s almost a fallen angel but not really. He’s more like the black sheep angel that everyone gives crap to.

But those other angels, well they can be downright nasty! Those guys get as bad as Crowley and worse. Hello, Naomi. Brainwash anyone lately? I’m just sayin’.

So how about you? What side are you on?

Personally I go for the bad boy every time 🙂


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