So many great tips!

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Lately I have found myself reading every blog post on the do’s and don’ts of writing.  Everything from Editing checklists to Misused words.  I am not sure why I am reading all of these, probably because I don’t feel comfortable enough with my own grammar skills, and most likely because I still mix up effect and affect passed and past when I write.  Silly I know, but those are the ones who get me the most!

Anyway, there have been some great blog posts lately on all kinds of subject pertaining to writing and editing.  So I thought I would list a few here that you can go and check out in the event that you are like me and like to get all the information you can about how to make your manuscript the best that it can be.

The first is:
This is a great article called Spelling, Punctuation, and Grammar Revision Checklist
And it is just that!  It gives you a giant checklist of things to look at when you are revising your manuscript.  If you do these things, you will be well ahead of many people who submit their first drafts.

Second is one I have blogged about before:
This is a great little article about what to use and how to use it.

Okay This next one I have to say is only one in a myriad of awesome blog posts about what to do and what not to do.  If you follow only one blog out there that consistently gives great information, I recommend this one.  C.S. Lakin’s Live. Write. Thrive.  She is an amazing writer, and mentor.
This is a fun little read about which words are actually suppose to be used together.  This isn’t the first one she has done and I find them fascinating to say the least.

This next article about editing as you go is interesting.  I don’t think I could do it.  I am a move forward person, but I did find in my last book that I had to go back and edit before I could write the last chapter because my characters hadn’t arced in a way that would have me let them end up where they did.  So I had to go back and fix them before I could end their story.  That was a major exception to the way I normally do things, but I find this interesting and there are a couple of great suggestions I might find myself using now.

This is a great fun fast article about small things you can do when editing your manuscript.  I love this one because we all know them, but it’s nice to be told again 🙂

This article is from the same site as the last article.  I loved this one too, however I don’t necessarily think you need to pay for a freelance editor before submitting, IF you follow all the other preceding steps.  If you have gone through it 4 times, gotten beta readers, and know half way what you are doing, I think you don’t have to hire an editor.  Now if you are planning on self publishing ABSOLUTELY hire an editor!  Hire, hire, hire!  You need it.  I need it.  We all need it!

There are so many more great ones, and I am going to keep looking for them and posting them here on my blog.  As much for myself as for everyone else.  If you have a great editing blog post that you loved, please leave a comment and let me know about it 🙂  I’m always trying to improve.

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